Have you started hearing unusual noises? Do they sound a bit like the wind? A whooshing sound that is similar to those white noise machines you buy to help you relax? Don’t worry, chances are it is not all in your head! One of the most common causes of a phantom white noise is due to tinnitus. Because this symptom can be associated with a variety of different afflictions, let’s take a close look at white noise, tinnitus and what you can do to reduce your symptoms.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is very commonly associated with untreated hearing loss, although it can be complex to understand. Its main symptom of hearing additional noises layered over the top of the regular noises you hear such as people talking or music playing. This noise can be there all the time or it can appear intermittently.

What is White Noise and Why Do You Hear It?

The white noise you hear when you are experiencing tinnitus is caused by damage to your inner ear, which may have been caused by a range of things from old age to circulatory system problems to prolonged exposure to loud noises. Most people who hear white noise as a result of tinnitus will notice it much more often when it is quiet, which is why so many people with tinnitus hear white noise when they are trying to get to sleep.

How Do You Know if it is Tinnitus?

If you are hearing strange noises that you do not usually hear, you might be wondering if you really have tinnitus or if some other health issue is causing you to hear things. The only way to know for sure is to book an appointment with a trusted audiologist who will be able to examine your hearing, but if you are hearing any or all of the following sounds, it is highly likely you are experiencing tinnitus:

• White noise
• TV static
• Ringing
• Buzzing
• Phantom dial tone
• Humming

If you start experiencing hearing these sounds regularly, then book an appointment with an audiologist as soon as you are able because the sooner you start getting treated for tinnitus, the more likely it is you will be able to cure or severely reduce its impact on you.

Why do you have tinnitus?

There are a number of things that can cause a person to develop tinnitus, but the most common include:

• Factory work where loud noises are present
• Regularly listening to loud music
• Working as a pilot
• Working as a bartender or at a music venue
• Working with farm equipment

Basically, anything that exposes you to high-level noise on a regular basis, can lead to tinnitus. I none of these things apply to you, then it could just be that you are getting older because as we age, many of us will see a drop in our hearing abilities and symptoms like tinnitus can appear as a result.

Can Tinnitus be Treated?

Yes, it is possible to treat tinnitus. There are a variety of treatments available to reduce your symptoms, including hearing aids with masking devices, sound machines, tinnitus retraining therapy and relaxation exercises.

Other things that can help people with tinnitus include deep relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation that can help you to live more effectively with tinnitus. Some people struggle with always hearing background sounds, but various relaxation techniques can teach you how to block them out or some to terms with them so that you do not suffer so much from the effects of white noise and other sounds common with tinnitus.

Sound therapy can also be an excellent treatment choice for tinnitus. It trains you to stop noticing and reacting to various sounds, so you can tune out the tinnitus and focus on the other sounds you are hearing such as the voices of your loved ones or the actors on the TV. The sooner you seek treatment for tinnitus, the better the outcomes are likely to be for you, so do not hesitate to get in touch with an audiologist who can help you out.

If you would like to know more about tinnitus and why you are hearing white noise, then you need to speak to an audiologist today. At Hinderliter Hearing Services, we are well-versed in the diagnosis, testing and treatment of tinnitus. To learn more about relief options today, give us a call at 248-430-8425.

Tags: tinnitus symptoms