Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids are a new category of hearing devices that people experiencing hearing loss can buy without needing to speak with an audiologist. As appealing as they sound if you’re experiencing this, it’s not recommended you simply go straight to the store to buy them.

Instead, you’ll need to know a few things before you do. Since they’re still seen as a medical device, combined with the impact they can have on your life, being as informed about them as possible is vital. There are a few specific things you’ll need to know before making the choice between these and their more well-known counterparts.

What Are They?

OTC hearing aids are similar to the standard ones many people would be aware of, but they’re available without needing to speak with an audiologist. They’re designed to help with mild or moderate hearing loss and boost sound levels as soundwaves enter your ear, making it easier to hear.

Classified as medical devices by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), they’re the main alternative to prescription hearing aids, which are only available from audiologists. These are available from October 2022 onward and can be bought both online and in-store.

Since they’re overseen by the FDA, they must meet several conditions before they can be sold, including:

  • Being safe and effective for people with mild or moderate hearing loss
  • Adhering to packaging and advertising standards, such as including warning labels

It’s worth noting that these hearing aids aren’t as powerful as their prescription counterparts, which are more effective for people with severe or progressive hearing loss.

Who Are They For?

Over-the-counter hearing aids are only available for people over 18, and are best used by people experiencing self-perceived mild-to-moderate hearing loss. There are several signs you might need some form of hearing technology, including:

  • Muffled sounds or speech
  • Trouble hearing in a group, noisy area, or on the phone
  • You need people to speak slower or louder to understand them
  • You need the volume on the television or radio to be relatively loud

Difficulty having and hearing conversations will be the most obvious sign you’re experiencing hearing loss. In time, this might become increasingly more obvious, especially if it’s a progressive condition you’re unaware of.

In many cases, it’s worth speaking to a trained audiologist. If your hearing loss seems to be getting worse, it’s vital to take proactive steps to manage the condition. These audiologists can identify the extent of the issue while advising you on the best path forward, even prescribing you a more powerful hearing aid.

Some ear-related issues that cause hearing loss may need medical attention, making it crucial to see an audiologist if you experience some other issues. These include:

  • Episodes of vertigo combined with temporary hearing loss
  • Sudden or unexplained hearing loss
  • A difference in how you hear in both ears

If you experience any of the above, book a consultation with a trained audiologist. They may be a sign of a more complicated condition that can’t be treated or managed with over-the-counter hearing aids.

Why Are They Available Without a Prescription?

Hearing loss affects millions of people around the world, with prescription hearing aids being one of the most effective ways of managing the condition. People with hearing loss usually only get these after being examined by an audiologist, but over-the-counter options have become a new category.

Why is this the case? It’s because of a law introduced in 2017 through the FDA Reauthorization Act that created the category. While the process was lengthy, the FDA proposed a rule in 2021 that established the category, with it being finalized in August 2022.

The rule allowed for over-the-counter hearing aids to be sold directly to consumers without them needing to be seen by an audiologist. Hearing aids for severe or progressive hearing loss, however, are still only available on prescription.

Over-the-counter hearing aids can be an appealing option if you’re starting to experience mild-to-moderate hearing loss. If you’re worried about your hearing, however, it’s best to speak with an audiologist.

Doing so lets you get a prescription for hearing aids that best suit your needs. At Hinderliter Hearing Services, we specialize in making sure hearing loss doesn’t impact your quality of life. Our team of dedicated and experienced audiologists work with you to determine the best device for your needs.

Give us a call at 248-430-8425 to schedule an appointment and see how we can help you.

Tags: over-the-counter hearing aids