People experiencing hearing loss need to adjust their lives to better manage the condition. Exactly how to manage the effects of your hearing loss is best determined with your audiologist, but lifestyle changes can depend significantly on your circumstances.

One area you’ll need to focus on are home safety tips. Depending on the extent of your hearing loss, this could be one of the most notable – and difficult – areas to manage. It doesn’t need to be complicated, and there are multiple home safety tips for people with hearing loss.

Whether you’re experiencing hearing loss or simply caring for someone who has hearing loss, here are four tips to help keep you safe in the home.

Install Specialist Equipment

Having the appropriate safety tools and equipment tailored to your specific needs is vital to staying safe at home when you’re experiencing hearing loss. You’ll need to change quite a few things around your home to be safe. Everything from security alarms to carbon monoxide alarms all rely on sound to notify you of an issue.

When you have hearing loss, this can be a large problem. Getting specialist equipment counteracts this, as they use visual elements to notify you of any problems. That makes it much easier for you to determine when you need to act, making your home much safer for you.

It’s an essential first step to staying safe.

Amplify Where You Can

Technology is the most effective way of staying safe at home and elsewhere when you’re experiencing hearing loss. Amplifying sound to help you hear better is a natural approach to making sure you’re safe, with hearing aids being the most obvious option.

Available from audiologists, hearing aids are designed to improve volume and quality of sound you can hear. Hearing amplifiers and similar devices can also be recommended, but this depends on your specific circumstances.

These work as well as you’d think, and many are available without a prescription. It’s worth noting, however, that hearing amplifiers are only effective for people experiencing mild hearing loss. For anything more severe, consult an audiologist to determine what your best options are.

Get A Phone Signaler

Hearing the phone when it’s ringing gets harder as your hearing loss progresses, even if you have hearing aids. Unless you’re wearing these constantly, it’s not uncommon to miss a few phone calls because of the condition. With a phone signaler, this doesn’t have to be a problem.

These can be connected to landlines or mobile phones and give you a visual indication that your phone is ringing. They can even be set to vibrate enough for you to feel it in your pocket. That makes it much easier to figure out when you’re being called.

If you’re taking care of someone with hearing loss, these can be essential to make sure you can get into contact with them whenever needed.

Choose Alternative Doorbells

One overlooked factor of being at home with hearing loss is whether or not you can hear the doorbell when someone rings it. This can be almost impossible for many people experiencing hearing loss, especially if they’re far from the door. Alternative doorbells can be an effective and practical way around these.

Such options can light up when the doorbell is rung, giving you a visual indication that someone is at the door. Other options can even be connected to a smartphone and give you a notification whenever someone’s there. Certain ones can be equipped with motion detectors and notify you as soon as someone’s close, removing the need for the doorbell to be rang. Getting these can help you feel safer and more secure in your home.

Anyone with hearing loss will need to make changes to their lifestyle. Keeping safe in the home – and when you’re out and about – is an essential part of this. Each of the above home safety tips for people with hearing loss makes sure you, or the person you’re caring for, are as safe as possible. In most cases, hearing aids will be a significant part of this. Whether they can help you, and which ones you should get if you’re a candidate, is best determined with a trained audiologist.

At Hinderliter Hearing Services, we’re passionate about helping you manage the effects of your hearing loss. Our expert team of audiologists is here to help you manage your hearing loss. Give us a call on 248-430-8425 to book an appointment and see how we can help you.

Tags: hearing loss management tips