Wearing hearing aids for the first time can take some getting used to. It can be a big change to start wearing a hearing aid, and many people struggle to get used to it at first. It’s important that you stay patient and persevere with your hearing aid to help you feel its benefit. Not only that, but it can take around four months to get used to your hearing aid, so if things don’t click overnight, it’s perfectly normal.

To help you with this transition, we’ve put together some useful tips. Here are six ways to get used to hearing aids.

1. Start Wearing Them Daily

If you’ve been recommended and fitted for a hearing aid, it’s because there’s an issue with your hearing. The hearing aid is designed to help improve your hearing quality, so the sooner you start using it, the better. While it may take some time to adjust to wearing hearing aids, it’s important to incorporate them into your daily schedule. Don’t leave them lying in a drawer somewhere, take the plunge and start using them, even if it’s only for a short time to start.

2. Wear Them Around the House First

You can start getting used to wearing your hearing aids by building up the amount of time you wear them. Wearing them around the house first will help you get used to the feeling of having them in, but it can also help you get used to them without worrying about what others think.

Start with wearing them for a half-hour, then build up the time you wear them. As you grow more comfortable with the feeling of wearing your hearing aid, you can start wearing them outside and experience the benefits they can bring to your everyday life.

3. Wear Them in a Variety of Situations

Your hearing aid will make a big difference to your life, helping you hear things better than you may have done in recent months. From conversations at work to going to the movies, you’ll soon notice how your hearing aid improves your hearing. Wear it at home while watching TV, at the gym and while having conversations with others to help you get used to how it works. 

Wear your hearing aid in a variety of situations to help you get used to it. Think of different times when your hearing has been lacking and see the difference it can make. The aim is to make wearing your hearing aid a normal part of your life so that you barely notice it anymore. Over time, you won’t even know it’s there!

4. Take Breaks

Allow yourself a break from your hearing aid from time to time, especially at the beginning. Taking a break will help you give yourself a rest, while also showing you the difference your hearing aid makes. If you feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable, take a break from wearing your hearing aid. If you feel persistently uncomfortable, return to your audiologist to discuss your concerns.

5. Make Sure They’re Fitted Properly

Your audiologist will spend time making sure your hearing aid is the right fit for you. Your hearing aid should be comfortable, and you should feel at ease wearing it. If, for any reason, something doesn’t feel right, or you feel like you would benefit from a different style of hearing aid, consult your audiologist for advice. 

Work to resolve any issues with your hearing aid as soon as possible so that you can get resume getting used to your hearing aid.

6. Choose a Style That Suits You

There are several types of hearing aids, including in the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) and in the canal (ITC). During your audiologist appointment, you’ll be able to discuss the pros and cons of each hearing aid type to help you find the most appropriate device for your needs. Be honest about your lifestyle and expectations to help you find a hearing aid that works for you. 

It takes time to get used to wearing a hearing aid, but your audiologist can help guide you through the process and provide you with advice on how to adjust. At Hinderliter Hearing Services, our team have expert hearing aid knowledge and experience to help you find the right fit for you. To discuss your hearing aid needs, or to book a hearing test, contact our team today by calling 248-430-8425.