Hearing And Quality Of Life In Older Adults

older gentleman in hearing clinic for diagnostic audiologic evaluation

Have you ever wondered just how much your hearing can impact your quality of life as an older adult? From mental challenges like depression and isolation to an increased risk in cognitive decline, ignoring hearing loss can have a number of negative ramifications. This guide aims to help provide you with the answers you seek, so read on to learn more about how you can take care of your hearing – and overall wellbeing.  

Hearing and Quality of Life in Older Adults

Your hearing health can have a huge influence on your quality of life, as both your independence and freedom can be compromised as a result of hearing loss. You may also find it more difficult to socialize if you are hard of hearing, and therefore lose connections with your loved ones which can become upsetting over time and even lead to a lack of stimulation. Experiencing hearing loss can also put your safety at risk. 

Independence and Freedom

One of the most notable impacts that hearing loss can have on your quality of life as an older adult is a reduction in your freedom. Not being able to hear things clearly can make everyday tasks more difficult and potentially even unachievable, meaning you may have to rely on someone else for help until you get the right hearing aid for your unique needs.

You may find that it’s difficult to go out alone, as you struggle to hear what shopworkers or transport staff are saying. You may feel unable to pursue your usual hobbies due to the fact that your untreated hearing loss is stopping you from enjoying yourself fully. 

Increasing Physical Risks 

Untreated hearing loss can put you in physical danger for a multitude of different reasons. You may not hear your doctor’s instructions properly, and subsequently take the wrong dose of any medicine given to you. You may not hear your smoke alarm going off, or you might not hear someone knocking at the door – this makes your home an easy target for intruders.

You could also put yourself in danger on the road, as it’s possible that you won’t hear another driver honk their horn. There are lots of different risks and dangers that are increased dramatically when you experience hearing loss as an older adult, putting your quality of life in jeopardy. 


Many studies suggest hearing loss can have a negative impact on personal relationships, and even stop people from wanting to socialize altogether. Older adults who have hearing loss may be tempted to simply withdraw from conversations due to the fact that they can’t understand what is being said. You might even find that you talk more to compensate for the lack of understanding. This can no doubt reduce your quality of life, especially if you are a particularly outgoing person who enjoys the company of other people. 

Your Brain Needs Stimulation

Combining all of the points described above, hearing loss can encourage a lack of stimulation. Having no independence and freedom will stop you from doing your normal tasks, and safety fears may discourage you from wanting to venture outside. Add a lack of socialization into the mix, and you’re going to be bored out of your mind with little stimulation to keep your mind active as an older adult. This can increase your risk of conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, as your brain isn’t receiving the stimuli it needs to continue functioning as it should. 

How to Improve Your Quality of Life  

One of the most effective ways to improve your quality of life as an older adult with hearing loss is to get a hearing aid (or two!). Hearing aids are specially designed to help minimize your hearing loss, allowing you to regain your freedom and independence while encouraging you to get back to your normal routine. You’ll be able to socialize confidently when you have a suitable hearing aid, as you can tune into your loved one’s voices and hear what’s being said with much more clarity. Hearing aids can help you to maintain the best quality of life, no matter if you have minor or severe hearing loss. 

There are multiple types of hearing aids to choose between, so it’s best to contact your hearing instrument specialist to help you make the right decision. They’ll take a whole host of factors into consideration, including the extent of your hearing loss, your visibility expectations, and your budget. 

It’s clear to see that untreated hearing loss can negatively impact on quality of life for older adults, but fortunately hearing aids can be an effective solution to explore. If you’re interested in learning more, then reach out to our friendly team at Hearing Well Matters at 905-681-4327 today.