
Sounds that are too high in volume hurt the ears. When this happens on a daily basis, long-term hearing loss is a possibility. Because of this, people are more aware of sound levels and how to protect their ears. With sufferers of hyperacusis, the sound of everything seems like it is at a damaging level. This is a condition that is worse in the city where there are various noise levels in the environment. Cars, electronics, shops and even people talking on their phones serve as an annoyance when hyperacusis is at its worst.

The professionals at Mario Hearing Clinics of Massachusetts are knowledgeable when it comes to hyperacusis. Because this condition can be debilitating to your life, consider scheduling an appointment to be evaluated.

What is hyperacusis?

Hyperacusis is a condition where the volume of all sounds seems like it is higher than normal. With such a low tolerance to sound, the world feels like it is attacking the senses in the worst way possible. Dynamic range in the ears is lost, which is the ability to deal with sound loudness. When that layer of protection dwindles, there is a higher chance of feeling the worst effects of hyperacusis. Tinnitus is sometimes tied to hyperacusis, or some form of hearing loss. Recruitment is a similar disorder yet unrelated since loud noises are uncomfortable, regardless of volume. Hyperacusis, like all auditory conditions, disrupts the daily schedule of its victims, but there are treatments available.

Treating hyperacusis

With hyperacusis being present in 40 percent of Tinnitus sufferers, there have been plenty of advancements in treatments. A lot of the devices made for Tinnitus are compatible with hyperacusis using the same techniques. The biggest of these treatments is still retraining therapy, where specialty devices and counseling come together. Reactions to hyperacusis are reduced to acceptable levels, making daily living possible again. Coping skills practiced by professionals improve at a steady rate, making the patient less reliant on external solutions with less impactful results. No surgical options are available for curing hyperacusis, but retraining therapy has a high rate of success.

Hyperacusis should not be ignored

The condition can’t be treated if the person suffering does not acknowledge it. Proper hearing health guidelines should be followed at all times. If sounds are too loud even with ear protection, then there is cause for concern. The Hyperacusis Network is helpful when it comes to finding information on related symptoms. The progression of the disorder is erratic, leading to different noise tolerance levels based on the person affected.

Desensitizing ears to specific sounds through retraining therapy helps over 90 percent of patients that seek treatment. Nullifying the worst effects of hyperacusis is possible when treatment is done in the earlier stages. Taking that first step to noticing the problem and seeking help makes a noticeable difference in treatment strategies.