Hear Again America | Deerfield Beach, FL

Deerfield Office

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(954) 719-5880

(561) 299-5438

269 South Federal Highway
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
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Welcome to our

Hearing Clinic in Deerfield Beach, FL

Deerfield Beach, FL, is home to an arboretum at Constitutional Park that houses more than 200 varieties of trees, as well as our Hear Again America office for the last 34 years.

Located on Federal Highway across the street from Starbucks, we have a parking lot available to patients with ample room. The specialists at Hear Again America in Broward County are here to serve your needs five days a week, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. And because we strive to offer both competent and calming care, our office allows small, well-behaved pets to help you feel at ease when you’re with us.

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Our Hearing Professionals

Audiologist in Deerfield, FL

Our hearing aid specialist is skilled and knowledgeable when it comes to treating hearing loss. From comprehensive testing to hearing aid fitting and adjustments, trust our practice to treat your hearing care needs.

Our Hearing Loss Solutions

Hearing Care Services In Deerfield Beach, FL

Being able to hear clearly is a vital part of your daily communication, whether it’s with friends, family or coworkers. That’s why we offer a range of hearing tests and evaluations to determine if you have a hearing loss. If we discover you do have a hearing loss, we also provide comprehensive services for hearing aid selection, fitting, maintenance and repair. Whether you need to establish a baseline hearing exam or needs help fixing your current devices, our hearing aid specialists have to tools and expertise to meet your specific needs.

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Our Services

Earmolds are an integral piece to your hearing health, whether it’s ensuring a comfortable fit for your hearing aid or protecting you from loud noise. We offer custom earmold fitting to suit your specific needs, which includes full-shell or half-shell styles, as well as filtered attenuators for individuals that need to still hear, but keep damaging noises at bay.

More on Custom Earmold Fitting

Similar to air conduction testing, bone conduction evaluations will provide our hearing care professionals with a different kind of information. Rather than simply indicating if a hearing loss is present, this test can be used to determine if your condition is conductive or sensorineural.

More on Bone Conduction Test

Our Products

Hearing Aids In Deerfield Beach, FL

We understand your hearing aid wants and needs are different than everyone else’s. That’s why we offer devices from six of the top manufacturers in the industry, including: Starkey, Oticon, Widex, Unitron, Signia and Phonak. We are confident you can find the hearing aids you want at our office, whether you prefer something small and discreet like an in-the-canal (ITC) device or something that packs more power and features like a behind-the-ear (BTE) instrument. We’ll also work with you to ensure you get the features you rely on most, ranging from directional microphones to tinnitus-masking.

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Hearing Aid Styles

With the rapid advancement in hearing aid technology, finding the perfect fit for your needs can be daunting. At Hear Again America, we recognize that every individual’s experience with hearing loss is unique. Not all hearing aids are suitable for everyone, which is why we offer a diverse range of devices varying in size, placement, features, and amplification to match your specific requirements.

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On all premium hearing aids for all active duty, reserves, national guard or retired military, military spouses with ID and veterans.


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