Aventura Hear Center, A Division of Hear Again America

Aventura Office

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(234) 201-9713

(561) 299-5438

19046 Northeast 29th Avenue
Aventura, FL 33180
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Welcome to our

Hearing Clinic in Aventura, FL

For more than 25 years, the hearing specialists at Hear Again America have provided vital hearing health services to the community of Miami-Dade County in Aventura, FL.

What was once just a swampy marsh nearly 50 years ago, this city now offers all the commerce local residents need. That’s why our office is conveniently located behind Publix at Town Center, nestled in between the kosher restaurant Fresko, and the luxury barbershop Miles & Lyle. We’re here to serve your hearing healthcare needs five days a week, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

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Our Hearing Professionals

Audiologist in Aventura, FL

Talk today to our hearing instrument specialist to find out more about what our office can do for you! We assist our patients in hearing loss treatment, device selection and much more!

Our Hearing Loss Solutions

Hearing Care Services in Aventura, FL

At Hear Again America, we understand the importance of being able to hear and communicate effectively. That’s why we offer the services you need to ensure you’re hearing everything you should be, ranging from hearing tests and evaluations to a comprehensive hearing aid selection and fitting process. And our hearing care services don’t stop once you purchase a hearing aid – we provide appointments for maintenance, thorough cleanings and repairs to ensure your devices are in optimal working order.

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Our Services

Earmolds are an integral piece to your hearing health, whether it’s ensuring a comfortable fit for your hearing aid or protecting you from loud noise. We offer custom earmold fitting to suit your specific needs, which includes full-shell or half-shell styles, as well as filtered attenuators for individuals that need to still hear, but keep damaging noises at bay.

More on Custom Earmold Fitting

Similar to air conduction testing, bone conduction evaluations will provide our hearing care professionals with a different kind of information. Rather than simply indicating if a hearing loss is present, this test can be used to determine if your condition is conductive or sensorineural.

More on Bone Conduction Test

Our Hearing Products

Hearing Aids in Aventura, FL

Finding the right hearing aid is a crucial step in treating your hearing loss. That’s why we boast a large selection of devices from the top manufacturers, including: Starkey, Unitron, Signia, Widex, Phonak and Oticon. Whether you’re looking for something discreet like an in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aid, or prefer the power a behind-the-ear (BTE) device provides, our hearing specialists will use the results of your hearing evaluation to help you find the right technology for your specific needs.

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Hearing Aid Styles

With the rapid advancement in hearing aid technology, finding the perfect fit for your needs can be daunting. At Hear Again America, we recognize that every individual’s experience with hearing loss is unique. Not all hearing aids are suitable for everyone, which is why we offer a diverse range of devices varying in size, placement, features, and amplification to match your specific requirements.

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We’re helping make the journey to better hearing more accessible.

Your Offer:

Free Hearing Screening and Consultation

Available to new patients!

For Veterans & Military:

Extra $100 OFF

Veterans & military save per-hearing aid!

On all premium hearing aids for all active duty, reserves, national guard or retired military, military spouses with ID and veterans.


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