It’s easy to take your hearing aid for granted, but it’s important to keep them in good repair and up to date. With age comes the need for professional repairs and replacements. Hearing aids are small and delicate devices. As such, they can be easily lost or damaged. If you drop your hearing aids, the electronics inside may become damaged.

Exposing them to moisture or humidity can also damage them; this is why it’s important to take care of your hearing aids so that they don’t break! Hearing aid repairs cost money, but they are much cheaper than buying new ones every year.

Signs of a Broken Hearing Aid

If your hearing aids start whistling or buzzing, that could be a sign of a problem. These sounds usually occur when the ear canal is not properly sealed, and they can occur at any time of the day.

If you notice that your hearing aid isn’t picking up sounds as well as it used to – if there’s a drop in volume – it may be time for professional repairs. This type of issue may also indicate that power has been lost or is about to run out, so it’s important to get them serviced before this happens!

Finally, if you are experiencing feedback from your device (that squealing sound), it could mean there is something wrong with your system. If this happens frequently and/or often enough for you to notice it consistently throughout the day, seek professional help right away.

What to Do if Your Hearing Aid Breaks

How you deal with a broken hearing aid depends on whether it is still under warranty and whether you’re able to get the device repaired yourself. If your hearing aid is still under warranty, you can return it directly to the manufacturer for repair (or replacement). If your warranty has expired, or if you wish to avoid going through an intermediary to have your hearing aid serviced, then consider repairing the device yourself.

Many manufacturers provide instructions on how their devices should be disassembled so that they can be cleaned and properly reassembled again. You may also find online tutorials from third-party vendors that show how other people have successfully repaired their own devices.

If neither of these options works for you, then consult a professional for help – for example, a hearing care professional who specializes in assisting people with hearing loss problems may be able to fix small issues like corroded batteries or poor fit by adjusting wires inside the shell casing itself.

Do Hearing Aids Need Professional Repairs?

To maintain optimal hearing health and experience, your hearing aids need to be cleaned and maintained regularly. In the United States alone there are approximately 30-million people who use hearing aids and with that many people using them, it is inevitable that something will go wrong with them at some point in time.

Hearing aid repairs are not a necessity for everyone but if you have had issues with your hearing aid or if you find yourself in situations where it is difficult to hear due to distortion or feedback from your device, then it may be time for professional repair services. It’s all too easy to damage your hearing aids. Here’s how to identify problems and know when to call in the pros

Hearing aids are delicate instruments, and they can be easily damaged if you’re not careful. If you’re having trouble with your hearing aids, here are some things to look out for:

  • The volume is too loud or too soft. Your hearing aid may need to be adjusted by the professional who sold it to you.
  • Your hearing aids feel loose in your ears. This means that they aren’t properly fitted in your ear canal, which will affect how well they work. You should have them adjusted by a professional as soon as possible so that this problem doesn’t get worse over time – or at least make sure someone knows about it so that everything is corrected quickly when it happens again!
  • They make noises like clicks or buzzes every time someone talks near them (or even sometimes when there isn’t anyone else around). This type of problem usually means that there’s something wrong with one or both of your devices – so call up our team today and let us help!

When your hearing aids break, it’s important to know that you can get them repaired. It may be tempting to try to fix them yourself, but that’s rarely advisable. Letting a professional handle the problem will save you money and keep your ears safe from additional damage! If you want to set up an appointment to have your hearing aids looked at, give the Hear Again America team a call at (877) 905-9493.