10 Things to Ask Before Buying a Hearing Aid

If you do need a hearing aid, you probably have a lot of questions. That’s good. We want you to feel comfortable with your choice. Plus, an open dialogue helps us determine the best hearing solution for you. So please ask!

Here are a few questions we hear quite often:

  • Can my hearing loss be treated by a doctor?
  • Have you received a thorough hearing evaluation?
  • Which design is best for me?
  • Is there a trial period to test the hearing aids?
  • If I return them after the trial period, is there a charge?
  • How long is the warranty and can it be extended?
  • Does the warranty cover maintenance and repairs?
  • Can the audiologist adjust my hearing aids and make minor repairs?
  • What kind of training and instruction will the audiologist give me?
  • What extra devices fit into the hearing aids?

It’s also helpful to talk with friends and family about their hearing aid experiences. If they raise any concerns, please bring them up with us. We can show you how Eartech Audiology makes improving your hearing easier than other places