Call Us: (517) 318-2572
7200 W. Saginaw Hwy.
Suite 3
Lansing MI 48917


Remote Hearing Care

Remote hearing care services provide the convenience of getting expert guidance without leaving home. Through online consultations and adjustments, wearers can easily fine-tune their hearing devices. This method offers both time savings and consistent support for optimal hearing.

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Earwax Removal

Earwax aids in healthy hearing by protecting and lubricating the ear canal. It acts as a natural barrier, trapping dust, dirt and other particles, preventing them from reaching the eardrum. Additionally, earwax possesses antibacterial properties, which help combat infections within the ear. However, when earwax accumulates and becomes impacted, it can lead to discomfort and potential complications. Symptoms that may indicate the need for earwax removal include earache, a feeling of fullness in the ear, hearing loss, ringing in the ears and an odor coming from the ear.

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Hearing Aid Repair and Maintenance

Should your hearing aid require attention, our dedicated repair services are at your disposal. Our team can typically handle minor issues in-office, providing you with quick, on-the-go care for your devices. Beyond repairs, we also emphasize regular maintenance checks, guaranteeing longevity and peak performance of your device.

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Hearing Aid Dispensing and Fitting

A hearing aid fitting is more than just putting on a device; it's a personalized process that ensures the device works optimally for the individual wearer. This step is vital because each person's hearing loss is unique, and the device needs to be tailored to their specific needs and preferences. During the programming stage, hearing instrument specialists adjust settings to match the wearer's hearing profile, fine-tuning frequencies and volumes for clarity and comfort.

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Evaluation for Hearing Aids

Our expert team meticulously evaluates your hearing needs. By taking into account your lifestyle, hearing, budget and aesthetic preferences, we recommend hearing aids that are perfectly suited for you. This approach ensures that the devices seamlessly integrate into your daily activities to make them more enjoyable, whether you’re having coffee with friends or presenting during a work meeting.

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Hearing Evaluation

Hearing evaluations are essential assessments that provide a detailed overview of an individual's auditory capabilities. These tests help detect early signs of hearing loss or other potential auditory issues, making them a crucial part of preventive healthcare. During an evaluation, you can anticipate a range of tests designed to measure different aspects of hearing, such as the ability to detect varying sound levels and understand speech clarity.

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